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Final Fantasy 1

Final Fantasy 2

Final Fantasy 3

My short story to tell but it took along time to live it

Something I know
Its Not Much

Saiyans (Saiya-jins) are incredibly strong creatures. They look a lot like Humans (Huma-jins). A Saiyans hair does not change from its birth. It will always stay the same. Also a Saiyan is born with a tail. This tail has two purposes: it limits a Saiyans concentration of Ki Energy and, when the Saiyan looks at a full moon, it will change into an Oozaru Saiyan. A full earth however will make him a Golden Oozaru Saiyan. Every time a Saiyan fights, it will get stronger. Especially when recovering from a near death situation, the power level will get a boost.
Oozaru (Monkey Form)
Oozaru Saiyan is a stage a Saiyan can achieve, if it still has a tail, by looking at the full moon. This is not necessarily the earth's moon. Vegeta created a pocketsize moon to turn into Oozaru Saiyan when he was on earth. If the tail was cut off the Saiyan will not be able to go Oozaru Saiyan anymore. When the tail is pulled out by the roots it will never grow back. An Oozaru Saiyan is a 40 feet monkey with a power level ten times the power level of the Saiyan that goes Oozaru Saiyan.
Mystic Saiyan
Mystic Saiyan is not really a Saiyan stage, but I wanted to mention him anyway, although not much is known about it. Only Gohan is capable of going into a mystic form. He receives this ability from the Grand Kai (or whatever Kai it was, I never really got the hierarchy of the Kais anyway) during the Buu Saga. The Grand Kai told Gohan that he only had a 1000 years to live, and since Gohan needed to get stronger, he was granted this power. Giving the power killed the Grand Kai however. The mystic powers enable a warrior to use his full power without having to power up, or go Super Saiyan. In this way, energy is saved, because transforming takes up a lot of energy.
Super Saiyan
To become a Super Saiyan a Saiyan must have a power level of at least one million, and, to ease the transformation (not necessary), get angry. Because of the high concentration of ki energy the hair becomes goldlike yellow and goes straight up into the air (because the ki energy attracts static electricity), and the eyes become green. Because there is more ki than can be controlled at once, the uncontrolled ki stirs up sand, as if it is a yellow aura around the character. It takes an enormous amount of energy to go Super Saiyan. A Saiyan can only go Super Saiyan if it has lost its tail.
Ultra Super Saiyan
Ultra Super Saiyan was first considered to be Super Saiyan 2, but with every amount of ki that was gained, speed was lost. The only physical change is a greatly increased muscle mass. The characters muscles get really pumped in this stage. But because of its lack of speed, it is a worthless stage. The deeper a Saiyan goes into Ultra Super Saiyan, the more strength is gained, but the more speed is lost. Only Trunks, Goku and Vegeta ever reached this form, but Vegeta and Goku never used it, because they knew of the speed decrease. Trunks used it against Cell, but lost the fight, because he couldn't hit Cell.
Super Saiyan 2
There is only one way to go Super Saiyan 2: a Super Saiyan must get extremely angry. A Super Saiyan 2 has an enormous power level. The ki energy concentration is so high it causes electrical discharges around the Saiyan. Speed and Strength are highly increased. In this stage, the hair grows an inch, and goes all up, except for one straint, it hangs in front of the face. Muscle mass increases a bit.
Super Saiyan 3
This is my favorite. When a Super Saiyan 2 goes Super Saiyan 3, its hair grows to about its knees, the eyebrows magically disappear, the forehead grows a little, muscle mass greatly increases, but this stage drains energy big time. A Saiyan can only stay in this stage for about 90 minutes. Only Goku and Gotenks ever made it to this stage. Unlike what some people think, Vegeta didn't.
Golden Oozaru (Golden Monkey Form)
This stage can only be achieved when a Saiyan, having a tail, looks at a full earth (from outer space, or from another planet). This stage can be referred to as the Super Saiyan form of the Oozaru's, since the body hair is goldlike yellow. A Golden Oozaru Saiyan is incredibly strong, only a Super Saiyan 4 is able to surpass its power level.
Super Saiyan 4
It's not sure what this stage actually is. Most people say it's just another Super Saiyan stage. But the hair is not yellow anymore and the eyes are just back to black. I think this is the pure form of a Saiyan, since the hair is black, the eyes also, the tail grows back, and the body is covered in red fur. Also the eyerims become red, almost catlike. This form can only be achieved by going Golden Oozaru Saiyan. It is not necessary to be able to go Super Saiyan (2, 3) to become Super Saiyan 4, but it is necessary to be able to concentrate your ki, so it would be a lot easier. Only a full blood Saiyan is able to go Super Saiyan 4.


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