
About yours Truly


More Pics

How to get ahold of me

Cool Sits

Other Stuff

.GIF 1

.GIF 2

.GIF 3


Final Fantasy 1

Final Fantasy 2

Final Fantasy 3

My short story to tell but it took along time to live it

I'm going to leave it to my friend Zeb to do this part.

Zeb says:
"Casey is 16, he lives in the small sadistic town of LaCrosse, Kansas. He goes to school with me, which means if he wants to kill everyone in the school, I'd probably be his first target. Casey is one crazy mo fo.

"Casey's whole life revolves around Dragon Ball Z, if you haven't noticed, with a small side of Final Fantasy to go along with it. Sadly, mine is the exact opposite."


This is not a official web sit of dbz